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"Marriage Building"

The Marriage Ministry of True Love Church believes that a marriage is a covenant with God between a Man and a Woman and not to be broken. We also believe that marriage is the first ministry in relationship to the Word of God. (Gen.2:24)
Mission Statement:
Our Mission is to build, establish and promote healthy Christ centered marriages in our homes, church and community. 
                   * We will build marriages on the Word of God.
                   * We will establish marriages by helping the man and woman understand their Godly roles in their marriages
                   * Marriages will be promoted by the fruit it bears. The marriage will be that, "shining light set on a hill" for all to see.
"Men's Ministry"
"God's Soldier" Ephesians 6:10
We the men of True Love Church and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit will become equipped in the body of Christ.
Mission Statement:
We will take on this mission first and foremost as a sevant of God. We will also be the watchmen on the wall, and a help to our Church home and community. Thus our mission will be fulfilled through:
                     * As a man, standing on the Word of God
                     * As a husband, being a Godly example to his wife
                     * As a father, being a good shephard
                     * As a Men's Ministry member,we will be accountable to one another for the growth of the ministry and each other
"Women's Ministry"
Mission Statement:
Our mission is to inspire, equip, and to motivate the women of True Love Church and in the surrounding communities. 
                     * We will help them to find their purpose & to become all that God has intended
                     * We will help women utilize their spiritual gifts & talents in their service to God
                     * We will form meaningful relationships while maturing in Chris though solid teachingof God word,worship and prayer
TLC Youth & Young Adult Ministry
"A safe place to be"
Mission Statement:
True Love Chuch's mission is to provide a safe envioment and guidance where young people can learn, communicate and experience for themselves the Word of God.
                      * TLC will provide a place free from peer- pressure, bullying, and street violence
                      * Youth will be able to come and learn how to work
                      * Creative character & team building building excerises will encourage our youth to be fruitful in the future endevors

​© 2013 True Love Church. All rights reserved.

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